by Chris Griffith
Published 31 March 1996 in The Sunday Mail

Mr Callaghan yesterday said the RSPCA's council this week had agreed "by a large majority" to renew his contract when it expired in July.
He said his reappointment would scotch rumours he was about to work for the Borbidge government.
Mr Callaghan was Sir Joh's media adviser and image maker during the early years of his premiership from 1971 to 1978.
Last week, there was speculation about his intentions after an RSPCA board member said Mr Callaghan had claimed he had been offered "the choice of three jobs" with the state government.
But Mr Callaghan said he would not comment on any job offer by government.
"If they offered me the Papacy, that's my business," he said. "I'm not going to comment on that ... if the question is have I accepted a job, the answer is 'No'.
He said he would feel like "the ghost at the banquet" if he worked for government again.
"The RSPCA is a very worthwhile entity. It is one of the few that offers personal job satisfaction, so I'm happy to stay here," he said.
"It's not an easy thing because it's a charity, so you have to battle for every dollar.
"I've been trying to put the society on a sound financial and administrative footing."