

my face


The material below comes from my original website published in 1995 when I was employed as a freelancer. For later material please see
The Courier-Mail website and The Australian website.

In 1996 Point USA rated the original website in the top 5% of Internet sites.

Hiya Chris -

What a fascinating page - I'm going to have to drop by here everytime I log on - and read one
or two articles.

I'm sure I've read some of them before, but this is such an interesting broad view of the past
few years - I'm impressed!!
Des Embrey
16 October 1995
Very impressive home page. Congratulations!
J.G. Estiot
17 October 1995
Interesting links on Your home page. Your articles are less interesting for me, because I live in
Flanders (Belgium) and Queensland lies far away. We have different Australian soaps on our tv-cable.
Neighbours is the most known. The most famous Australian here is bicycling-champion Danny Clarck.

I too am a journalist (freelance). My home-page is
Koen Mortelmans
17 October 1995
How ya going mate? Nice site, I will spend more time later reading some clips.

I saw your site listed in alt.journalism. I am a journalism student (MS Mass
Comm/Magazine Journ) here in San Jose, CA. I am coming to Brisbane in Feb. 97 to attend QUT. 
Mike Barton, Santa Cruz, California
22 October 1995
This is an excellent resource for Queensland affairs! I was especially interested in the stories
about "Whistle Blowing" and its politics.Especially well organized and easy to find stories, IMHO.
Jerry Jeffress, Bush Net
28 November 1995

I want to thank you very much for the use of your story list. It has provided me with information
that was helpful and useful in the overall completion of my final paper (about corruption) in a
class that I have.
Charles Majewski
4 December 1995
You have done a superb job. Your pages are more than fantastic. I am an American whistleblower.
Remember Bill Bush?) Well I worked at the same NASA site as he. I was far more active. I lasted
three years. I blew the whistle on many managers and some large companies (Boeing, TRW, etc.)
I am still amazed- people don't seem to catch on. IF the managers are brought to task the
corruption stops. If not, it just develops another face.

I am in the process of putting up a site- no name yet but I am HOT LINKING your site.
Man oh man have you done a good job.
"Patrick D. Tays"
1 January 1996
Dear Chris,

Minutes ago, it crossed my mind to see what is on the web re: whistleblowing. My search engine
brought up some law firms and you. I clicked on you to see what is going on in Australia. I am
not a reporter, nor am I naive to disbelieve that corruption abounds. If you unearthed so much,
I can only imagine what goes on in the States. Is it possible to set up a page where people can
chronicle their story without jeopardizing their safety? It seems to me that a forum to document
misuse of public money could go far to help people to restore their faith in common decency.
Could the Internet be used in a honorable fashion to furthur society's ethical needs? Rather
than to go on and on, I leave this note with a question. Are you honored or reviled as a result
of your musings?
Bob Trager
6 January 1996

I was looking up NSW Police on Lycos and found your site. Very interesting pages!
Dallas Kidd
Web Co-ordinator, The University of New South Wales
8 January 1996
Hi Chris!  I am a transplanted Brisbanite who is wanting to return home. I have recently acquired
access to www and have found your story list. I haven't read nearly all of them but I have really
enjoyed those I have consumed. I will keep watching your page for new stuff about my home town.
Robyn M. Cox
16 January 1996

I went looking for the new State Govt homepage (reported in the CM 23/1/1996) and stumbled across
your home page at the top of the list.

Congratulations, you've done a great job (and you are now in my Bookmarks file). Best wishes with it,
and what a great idea.
Ian Dearden
President, Queensland Council for Civil Liberties
26 January 1996
Hi Chris,

Just a short note to congratulate and thank you for the information I receive on your WWW page.
I was in Brisbane over Christmas and I became fascinated by the current political situation and
the lead up to the federal elections. I found your page while searching for mentions of
Mundingburra, Mabo, and ALP. I can't wait to find out what happens after the by-election!

All the best and renewed congratulations on an excellent source of information. It is appreciated.
Ric Beattie, Johannesburg, South Africa
27 January 1996
Hi Chris,

I am a student at Cal State Hayward and I'm writing a paper on ethical issues involving law, politics,
and the criminal justice system.  I was surfing the Internet when I came across your news articles.
Tanya Hill
2 February 1996
Dear Chris,

I hope you get this as I am not very experienced with e-mail.I have just had a brief look through your
web page and it looks great.

I, too, am a journalist and am very interested in developments in electronic communication. Briefly, I
worked in print journalism for about 10 years, in England and Australia, and eight months ago I joined
the media unit of Australia Post.

I haven't go much time at the moment, so I will return to your Web site later to have a better look.
Keep up the good work.
Phillip Money
4 February 1996
Hello. You have a great web site. My name is Michael Moore. I am the research analyst for a Boston, MA.,
US investigations firm. Over the past 15 years I have compiled a database of 28,000 names relating to
financial crime, fraud, organized crime, corruption, and other background.  All the data is
professionally indexed and cited.

Recently I set up a home page to make this proprietary database available to other information
professionals. The URL is:
Michael Moore
17 February 1996

Wow! What a bounty! Your eye for the human side in your stories is quite clear.

I'm not sure I agree about your sentiments about opportunities available to young people
(Gen Xers)today vs 25 years ago.  My own feeling - having come from a family where my parents
arrived in Australia with 10 pounds in their pocket - is that there is ample opportunity out there
and that people are taking advantage of these opportunities. ... Nonetheless there is a great need
to keep our politicians on their toes and to keep helping those in need.

Thanks again for the great collection of stories.
David Cecil
22 February 1996
Nice going Chris and good to see that someone has both the guts and imagination to start a page like
this. Unfortunately for you though I don't think you'll get either a Walkley for this not a listing
in the SMH or AGE (Sat' editions) Good Week-End lift-outs internet page sites. Pity.
Russell Gurr 25 February 1996
I've been living in the US since 87', god knows how I ended up at your link, but I sure missed reading
and hearing about all the rampant corruption in Queensland!

Good luck to you!
26 February 1996

Just a quick note to say "GOOD ON YA" for putting all the info you have put up on you Home Page.
Phil Boadle
3 March 1996
Congrats Chris on a terrific home page! You have obviously spent a lot of time on it. One day we might
be able to manage it ourselves.
Ron and Annabel Prefontaine
3 March 1996
Hey, nice work mate!

Very interesting, check out mine: -->

See you later mate!

Greg Bate
4 March 1996

I am IMPRESSED by your Web page(s). It's almost a home page for the rest of Australia!!!
Bill Oliver
4 March 1996
Hi Chris

I stumbled upon your Queensland Info page on the Net while searching for info for a Uni law assignment.
I found it very interesting and topical and well worth reading. Thanks for the effort.
Colin Hylton
14 March 1996